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Virtual show and tell

Take control of your production meetings. Show them what they need to see before exploring on their own.

Virtual Showing

During a time when social distancing is required and virtual production meetings are common place, Virtual Showing allows you to navigate through an iGUIDE while others watch remotely. Your actions will be mirrored on the screens of all participants simultaneously. Sharing actions is much faster and smoother than sharing your screen and results in a far better experience.


Production meetings deserve a better, smoother experience vs. traditional screen sharing

Screen sharing can be a rough experience, especially when sharing moving content. It can be delayed and unpredictable and this makes describing features more challenging because you can never be sure if what people are seeing is what you are seeing.

  • Take control of your location photo reviews and keep them on track.

  • View, host, or share from a computer, tablet, or phone. The experience is nearly identical across devices and a computer is not required to host a showing. 

  • Works great with Zoom, Gotomeeting, Skype, Facebook Messenger, or phone. Using your preferred form of communication means you don’t have to learn any new apps.

  • No login or password is required for a virtual showing. We decided to make things easy.

  • Virtual showing is part of every iGUIDE and it’s totally free. 

First look at iGUIDE Virtual Showing 

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